Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I Have a Confession!

I've always been a fan of reading and have always prided myself on reading books that mean something and have something to say. In fact, my favorite book of all time is 1984 by George Orwell, which makes a profound statement about Orwell's idea of what the future may hold and the role that government may take in society. I won't get too much into the story and what the ideas are, but it's always been one of those books on the controversial list. I've read it and reread it many times. My copy of it is pretty torn up and the spine is about to split! It's had quite a bit of influence on our society overall and some may not know that the title of the trashy reality show "Big Brother" is actually a reference to 1984!

Though I have my favorites that I always keep close, I am always open to trying out something new. I had kind of heard something about an LDS woman who wrote a series about vampires and let's face it, who doesn't love vampire stories!? Chad and I were in Bakersfield for last Thanksgiving and I was out with the girls doing some Christmas shopping when I realized that I had forgotten to bring a book with me for some extra entertainment. I walked down the aisle of books at Target and there it was-Twilight- the first book in the series. I figured I'd just pick it up and take a chance on it. If nothing else, maybe it would just be a quick, fun read.

Well if you've checked out my little section that lists what I'm currently reading, you'll probably already know that I've since moved on. I got through Twilight in two days and wanted more! Locating a copy of New Moon (the second book in the series, duh!) proved a bit difficult, but a couple months later I finally located a copy! And like the first, I plowed through the second and that's when the addiction started! I headed out to locate Eclipse (of course the third book)a couple days later and probably ended up paying twice as much as I should have for it, but I had to have it!

Needless to say, my addiction has become greater (with some fueling of the fire by my sister) and I think I have officially diagnosed myself as a Twilight fan! Through word of mouth of other fans, I discovered that in December we will be blessed with a Twilight movie! So now, on most of my lazy nights, or when I'm avoiding work, I can be found searching the internet for any pictures or movie clips from the movie that doesn't even come out until December!

So here it is, my confession! I love Edward and Bella! I want Bella to become a vampire so that her and Edward can be together forever! I can't wait for the movie and I want to go to the midnight showing of it! And...I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!! So there it is, bring on the scoffs and scorns! I'm ready for it!

But maybe you should check out this awesome link before you pass judgment!


Ashley said...

It is some good entertaining reading I must agree! I wouldn't say my fan level is even close to yours but I am excited for the next book. We'll have to see what the movie has to offer...most times they aren't as well done as the books.

Ang said...

Tara, I have a confession for you. I am so in love with Jacob Black and I DO NOT want Bella to become a vampire. I have read the last few chapter's of Eclipse over and over again because this is when Bella finally realizes that she loves Jacob. In fact, that sounds like a wonderful thing to do right now!

Anonymous said...

Tara Tara Tara. Rest assured that you will probably never be as obsessed with it as me. I mean I spent 85 dollars on a replica of Bella's bracelet. Of course, I prefer a diamond heart to a stupid wooden wolf any day... At least I don't have to disown you for liking Edward, 'cause let's face it, HE'S HOT!!! December 12th... MIDNIGHT SHOWING ALL THE WAY! August 2nd is just not coming fast enough...

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah... GO TEAM EDWARD!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tara, yes, rest assured that Adrienne is way more obsessed than you. She even paid for the bracelet with her own money. And, why, pray tell, is she leaving messages at 1:11 a.m. on a school day.

Anonymous said...
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