Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Your Tax Dollars at Work

So I must say, it's been one of those weeks at work. Some weeks I'm so productive and get a ton done at work, but other weeks- nothing! I must say this week (and it's only Wednesday!) has been one of those nothing weeks. I just have had no motivation. I think it might be because I know I'm leaving for a few days next week, but who knows. Well turns out I'm not the only one in my office who is struggling this week. My coworker, Megan, and I have been dealing with our anti-work attitudes together.

So since we have a very stressful and emotional job, we try to have a little fun sometimes even if that means annoying our coworkers in neighboring offices. A while back Megan and an old coworker found a huge roll of shrink wrap lying on the floor of the office. Rather then try to find it's rightful owner, they hid it in one of their offices with plans to cause a little mayhem later. Later never really came, and the shrink wrap sat in Megan's office.

So with our anti-work attitudes in check today we decided we needed to go on a hunt for the shrink wrap as it had been misplaced since we had changed offices about a month ago. Megan quickly returned to my office with the giant roll of shrink wrap in hand! Our friend and coworker, Diana, is leaving us and moving to Wisconsin so we've been giving her a hard time about it. Diana decided she was going to leave early today and Megan and I decided she needed to be punished for leaving early and for leaving us for Wisconsin.

Well long story short, we wrapped her desk and everything on it in shrink wrap! It was great fun and I was laughing so hard my eyes started tearing up! I guess work isn't so bad all the time, but I don't know how people would feel about knowing that this was what their state employees were doing with their time today!


Jayme said...

Tara!!! Somehow I just found your blog and it made me miss you SO much. This post made me so happy/sad. I miss you guys, although not the crazy job. How are you? I wish I could come visit you crazy girls!!! Tell Meghan I said hi.

Ashley said...

That is extremely funny Tara! It's all good...being a state employee I've spent days at work having a pajama party! Gotta love preschool!

Anonymous said...

do i need to come and do visits with you? tina

Ang said...

I just found your blog from Jayme's! Ours is I'll have to link you to ours!