Monday, March 17, 2008

A Star is Born!

rock band

Well I don't know how he did it, but Chad somehow talked me into letting him by the game Rock Band for his XBox 360 a few weeks ago. Honestly, there are days when I think the XBox is the devil, but then there are the times when I to find enjoyment in all it has to offer. And I must admit that Rock Band is just one of these such times. For those who have not experienced it think Guitar Hero, but with drums and a singer in addtion to the guitar! It's the total experience! It's for sure not a game for the quiet reserved type, especially if you plan on singing in front of everyone.

So this weekend resulted in two fun filled late nights of all out jamming. Friday night Samantha and LaMar came over and stayed until 1:30 in the morning! I don't know if it was the excitement of playing or the chocolate fondue that kept us up that late, but we had a blast! The highlight of the evening was Sam and LaMar singing the Timmy song from South Park. Sunday night Jarad and Ashley joined us for our second jam session. Jarad told us that he was so excited he had been dreaming about Rock Band the night before! I found it pretty funny when Jarad suddenly got really shy and didn't want to sing. Are you serious Jarad? How long have we been listening to you belt it out whenever you feel so inspired? And now you're shy!? Ashley did some serious trash kicking on the drums.

Now normally I am more on the quiet and reserved side when it comes to things like this, but for some reason the rock star in me comes out whenever I play Rock Band. I've found that I absolutely adore singing on the game! Seriously, the thoughts of being a lead singer in an actual band or even trying out for American Idol have actually passed through my mind during and after playing. I know it's crazy, but hey we can all dream can't we!


Ashley said...

OH YEAH!!! We are the Rock Band! Thanks for having us over..'til our next jam session!